
May 7, 2014

NS2011 Working on a new house, and also a trip to Snow Lake Manitoba and then on to Sturgis.

Aliquam adipiscing felis tincidunt eget, euismod pede eu cursus at, suscipit a, lorem. Morbi sodales wisi placerat eget, elementum eu, ullamcorper ac.
May 8, 2014

NS2010 From Dubai to Thailand and then to Canada. Moving is always fun, especially when you can also squeeze in a bike trip to Edmonton.

Nunc felis. Curabitur ac ipsum. Pellentesque nibh ultricies est. Maecenas consequat, augue a venenatis risus. Ut id mollis vel, lacinia quam. Praesent blandit malesuada.
May 9, 2014

NS2009 The last year in Dubai. A trip to Thailand, and getting ready to move back to Canada. A hectic year.

Pellentesque et lacus pretium tincidunt. Pellentesque at metus. Donec nisl a nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in nulla orci ut leo nec cursus consequat, orci ut
December 10, 2015

NS2007 Home for Christmas, building a house in Thailand, and settling daughters in Canada. Busy year.

Mauris efficitur sit amet risus et amet. Donec purus leo, malesuada maximus amet.
December 14, 2021

NS2013 A bike trip of a lifetime. Gina and I take a trip to New Orleans and had a lot of adventure along the way.